Spring has sprung! Well, at least it’s trying to. Despite the recent chilly sting in the tail, the weather signs are pointing in the right direction, with longer days, drier spells and increasing warmth when the sun shines.
Spring is a time of transition. After the cold and dark of winter, the arrival of spring signals renewal and rebirth. In the countryside, growth and new life are abundant, bringing with it an increased sense of anticipation and hope. Underfoot conditions improve, flowers bloom, blossom swathes the trees, birds sing, and lambs are born. Everything in nature feels vibrant and re-energised, and so do we.

For us, Easter traditionally marks the transition from winter day walks to full-on walking season, with the prospect of longer routes, fuller days and, hopefully, fitter versions of ourselves.
In recent years, that has often meant a long weekend trip to Norfolk to walk the Coast Path between Hunstanton and Cromer, but current restrictions meant looking for something closer to home, so we spent four days contending with an impressive array of atmospheric conditions – from warm sun to actual snow – on the 50-odd-mile circumnavigation of our county town that is the Northamptonshire Round (of which more in due course).

Looking forward is the essence of spring. For this site, that means new routes to be tested, more walks to be added and, I hope, plenty of inspiration and encouragement to lace up the boots again and discover more of what we have on our doorstep. Our horizons may be expanding again as we follow the roadmap out of lockdown, but utilising our local resources, helping our communities, and supporting local businesses and services as they get back on their feet will be part of that journey.
So, let’s look forward to better times – and fingers crossed we get some good weather to go with it too!